Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mistress, have you been up to the roof?

*Swoon*  ^________________^



Haha, so there’s this really cute guy who comes into my work every so often, always buying...

Haha, so there’s this really cute guy who comes into my work every so often, always buying records. 

Well I call him an Avett Brother because he reminds me so much of Scott Avett (who is super attractive, c’mon work with me here). 

Anyways he came in today and asked how I was doing and stuff and I was like hey the Avett Brother, and I think it may have rubbed him the wrong way (he must not know that to me, it’s a compliment). 

Hunter, Hunter. Jesus Kimberlin, how hard is it to remember the name Hunter? 

As soon as he said his name again I was like durrr, how did I not remember that from last time? 

I’d love to punch myself sometimes. 

Blah, who works on Saturday? -__- #me

Blah, who works on Saturday? -__- #me

All I want is bread right now.  Someone come bring me bread.  I don’t even care what...

All I want is bread right now. 

Someone come bring me bread. 

I don’t even care what kind.



Ultrasound Monday at noon. 

Ultrasound Monday at noon. 

Do you fear that your looks can at times overshadow your personality?

They usually do. People either a) automatically assume my personality is of a certain type just by looking at me or b) don't even care to get to know my personality because of it. 

oh my god please don't die over a BOY (clearly a boy since he doesn't want to grow up and act like a man).. that is pathetic, but you AREN'T pathetic, you're way above that.. you're beautiful and smart and can get just about any other guy (someone who will treat you as you deserve) in the snap of your witty little fingers :) you just gotta do a quick detox of your love life! then explore singlesville, get a fresh start, AND JUST BREATHE BEAUTIFUL :) xx

It's not because of him, it's because everything and my entire situation. Although his reaction to my situation didn't really help, and makes me agree with you that he's still kind of a boy. Especially when there's other guys willing to man up and take his position, regardless of my situation. Blah, idk, maybe everyone is right. I just have to think about things for awhile. 

You should REALLY get a new boyfriend. One that cares. Sex isn't everything, you know?

He cares, and it's not all about sex. I mean, we live three and a half hours away from each other, see each other maybe twice a month, and could easily get laid by other people, if it were purely for sex we wouldn't be together cause there'd be easier options. 


wolf-waffles: Long Legs


Long Legs

It’d be really fucking nice to be with someone who can actually talk about something.  Every...

It’d be really fucking nice to be with someone who can actually talk about something. 

Every fucking time. 

Finds a way to leave and just never discusses shit. 

You must really want attention and pity huh.

Or I just really want to die.
You should probably shut the fuck up.

Honestly, the best thing that could probably happen to me at this point is my car loses traction in...

Honestly, the best thing that could probably happen to me at this point is my car loses traction in the rain and I slam into my death, or death another way, idrc.

Yeah he's getting a tad bit too comfortable

Yeah, idk.

why won't you change your age?

I will when I get the chance I've been on mobile.

Taking the entire week off of work next week.

Taking the entire week off of work next week.

I'd never forget about you. Your guy is getting too comfortable he's starting to slowly stop doing the little shit that matters I'm guessing?

Kind of. I mean he told me last night we'd Skype tonight for sure, and yet he's barely talked to me at all today. 

When I'm logged in I can't reply to your posts, yet other people can? Frustrating. But in any case, saw your post about how much everything sucks. I hope things get better for you soon.

Huh, that is a little strange. Anyhow, thank you, although I doubt anything will get better. 

Forgotten again. 

Forgotten again. 

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